Articles on: Client Portal

Factfind Overview

A Factfind is a detailed questionnaire that your financial advisor can send you to complete so that they get the information necessary to help you with your financial goals. A notification will appear on your Dashboard when sent this and pressing View will take you to the Requests section of Plannr, where you can find the factfind.

When completing the factfind, at the bottom of each section there is a bar that enables you to go to the next section or previous section, as well as a checkbox to mark that that particular section is complete.

Once all sections have been completed, you are given the option to Finish. This will send the information given over to your financial advisor.

When the Finish button is pressed, an alert will pop up prompting you to confirm that all the information is entered and ready to be sent. once you're sure of this, press Yes and you have completed the factfind!

Updated on: 11/10/2023

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