Articles on: Client Portal

Sending Messages

You can message your Adviser easily in Plannr!

From the Conversations tab you can see all your previous conversations in Plannr. These can be filtered by archived status at the top. To create a new message, select the New Conversation button.

This brings up a box to enter in a name for the conversation.

Once saved, a conversation is created between yourself, your assigned adviser and your assigned administrator. You can enter a message in the text box at the bottom and use the green arrow at the bottom right to send. You can upload documents via the grey upload icon in the bottom left.

If you do not have an Assigned Adviser, Plannr will add all advisers from your group into the conversation for you!

You can quickly access Conversations from the speech bubble icon at the top of any screen in Plannr!


If you click on a message, you'll see emoji reactions pop up!

Click on one of these emojis to react to the message.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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