Articles on: Clients

Adding Documents

You can add and organise your clients' documents easily in Plannr.

From the Client Dashboard, select Work and then Documents.

Here you can see all your folders and documents. By default, you will have folders for Plans, Conversations and Cases, in addition to any you set up via the Default Folder Structures. More infomation on this is available here

Making New Folders

Create a new folder by clicking the white Add Folder button.

The following modal will appear asking you to name your folder by typing in the box provided. You are also asked if the client should have read (the ability to see the folder and what is in it) and write (the ability to edit and delete the folder and its contents) permissions.

Click Save when ready.

Uploading Documents

From any folder, select Upload Files

This will bring up a window where you can browse your files, select the file you would like to upload.

When you've selected your file, it will appear in a queue at the bottom as it uploads.

Editing and Deleting Documents

Hovering over the three dots on any document brings up the following icons representing Delete File (red bin icon), Move File (folder icon) and Edit File (pen icon).

Updated on: 18/10/2023

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