Articles on: Clients

Client Portal Access

From an Existing Client

Go to the desired client's page and select Add New and then Login.

The following modal then appears allowing you to input the client's details and decide on what should be available for them within the portal.

Either choose an existing email address from the client record or add a new email address. They will use this to login to the portal.

Decide if you would like the login to expire. If you wish, you can select a certain date after which the client will not be able to login.

Choose the clients write and delete permissions. Write permissions allows them to update their information and delete permissions allows them to delete information.

Decide if you want welcome enabled. This is the greeting they will see when they login to their portal.

Decide if this login should have weath enabled. This is one of the pages in the client portal that shows the client a graph of their plans, as well as the individual breakdown below.

Decide if the login should have goals enabled. This is one of the pages in the client portal that shows the client's progress towards any goals set up in Plannr.

Decide if the login should have factfind enabled. More information on factfinds is available here.

Decide if the login should have tasks enabled. This is one of the pages in the client portal that shows clients any tasks you have set for them. More information on tasks is available here.

On Client Creation

When creating a client, there is the option to Send Welcome Email. Selecting this will provide the client with a welcome email that allows them to set up their access to the client portal.

Client View

Once the client has been created, they will receive the following email welcoming them. Selecting the Set Up Account button allows them to create their account.

If you wish to customise the email that is sent to a new user of the client portal, you can do so in Firm Branding, in the Settings area.

Once the Set Up Account button is pressed, they are presented with the following page where they select a password and decide whether or not the enable 2 factor authentication (whereby they must not only input their password to log in but also a code received via SMS).

After this is completed, selecting Finish Setup will take them to the following page, where they are invited to Sign In.

Once they have signed in, they will be taken to the client portal.

Updated on: 20/09/2024

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