Articles on: Income Reconciliation

New Business Events

New Business Events can be added on Clients, Plans and Prospects.

Adding a New Business Event on a Client or Prospect

Go to the desired contact.

Select Add New.

Then, from the drop down menu that appears, choose New Business Event.

Select the contribution type and add any contribution notes. The type can be any of the following:




Advice Point

Pension Transfer


Select the adviser. This will default to the client’s assigned adviser if one is set.

Choose the advice type.

Select how this business was conducted (email, telephone etc.).

Select the source of funds. If you select other a secondary box to input the source of funds will appear.

Input the contribution amount for this event.

Select the frequency of the contribution.

Choose the status of this event.

Select the proposed and start dates for this event. If the status is set to active, the start date field is required.

Select a case (optional).

Select the vulnerability status. This will default to the saved vulnerability status if one is set. If one isn’t, the status inputted here will become the client’s default.

Press Next to go to the second page.

Select which client this NBE should apply to. This will be pre-populated if created from inside the client’s page

If applicable, select the plan this should be associated with from the existing client’s plans. We do, however, recommend that you create a New Business Event directly against the desired plan if you do want them linked.

Selecting a plan makes the relevant plan fields appear pre-populated. You also then have the option to decide if this is replacing an existing plan or not.

Press Create when ready!

Adding a New Business Event on a Plan

Adding a New Business Event on a Plan follows the same path as above for a client.

Go to the desired plan.

Select Add.

Then, from the drop down menu that appears, choose New Business Event.

Select the contribution type and add any contribution notes. The type can be any of the following:




Advice Point

Pension Transfer


Select the adviser. This will default to the client’s assigned adviser if one is set.

Choose the advice type

Select how this business was conducted (email, telephone etc.)

Select the source of funds. If you select other a secondary box to input the source of funds will appear.

Input the contribution amount for this event

Select the frequency of the contribution

Choose the status of this event

Select the proposed and start dates for this event. If the status is set to active, the start date field is required.

Select a case (optional)

Select the vulnerability status. This will not default or be saved as the default for the associated client as a plan can be owned by multiple individuals.

Press Next to go to the final page.

Select the client (this will be pre-populated with the existing plan details)

Input the plan name (this will be pre-populated with the existing plan details)

Input the plan type (this will be pre-populated with the existing plan details)

Select the plan sub type (this will be pre-populated with the existing plan details)

20 Select the provider (this will be pre-populated with the existing plan details)

Input the policy start date (this will be pre-populated with the existing plan details)

Input the policy status (this will be pre-populated with the existing plan details)

Select if this replaced an existing plan. If it does, two further boxes appear for you to select the existing plan and input the existing plan details.

Once everything is filled out, select Create.

Adding a New Business Event to a Pension

When adding a NBE to a pension, the process is the same as on a Plan except for a box on the last page.

Here it asks if you have opted out of an employer sponsored pension scheme and, if you have, it asks for the opt-out date and any details about this event.

New Business Events Page

Any New Business Events created against a client, plan or prospect can be found on their page in Plannr.

Go to the desired client’s page.

Select the Work tab.

From here, choose New Business Events.

Here you’ll see all the New Business Events relating to that particular client.

You can also add New Business Events from this page by selecting the Add button highlighted below.

Managing New Business Events

Following the steps above for viewing New Business Events, they can be managed from the same page.

The pen icon allows you to edit the details of the NBE, bringing up the same modal shown as you create the NBE.

The rubbish bin icon allows you to delete the NBE.

Updated on: 22/05/2024

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