Articles on: Settings

AJ Bell Integration

We now have an integration with AJ Bell! This guide will show you how to set it up.

Setting up the Addon

Go to the Addon store from the Settings tab. From here, select the AJ Bell integration.

From here, under the Set-Up Instructions you can see what you need to do, to get this add-on active. For AJ Bell, you will need to contact your account manager to obtain your credentials.

When you have obtained the relevant credentials, you'll need to complete the configuration tab.

Once you've completed all of the fields, you can select Enable.

Policy Number Format

AJ Bell have a standard format of:

SCCXXXXXXX-DA (for General Investment Accounts/Dealing Accounts)
SCCXXXXXXX-ISA (for Stocks and Shares ISAs)

Please ensure all your policy numbers reflect this, in order for the data feed to work correctly - SCC12345678-GIA (for example) will not work.

Your feed will then be up and running. Please allow an overnight refresh to start seeing data pull through.

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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