In Plannr, Workflows are a way of standardising processes within your business. A Workflow is made up of Tasks and these can be assigned to anyone in the business, even clients.
To create a Workflow, go to Settings from the menu on the left.
From here, select Workflows.

Here you can see all existing Workflows. Select Add New to create a new Workflow.

Give the new Workflow a name
Save when ready.

Now you have your Workflow, you can add Tasks. Select Add New Task.

Now enter in the Title and description for the Task.
Then you can decide the priority of this Task
Next choose the status of this Task
After you can decide when the Task should be due.
You can choose whether or not the client should be able to see this Task.
Along with this you have the option to choose if you'd like it to Auto-assign to a clients advisor.
As well as Auto-assigning to a clients administrator.
Now decide who the Task should be assigned to. It can be automatically assigned to the client's advisor or administrator, or you can select a particular employee or group to assign it to.
Save it when ready.

Now your Task is created! Repeat this process to add additional Tasks until your Workflow is complete.
Here you can see the tasks that have been created. You can drag and drop these tasks to change the order by selecting the 6 dots on the right hand side.
Once you select the desired Task it will show on the right hand side of your page. Within this you'll be able to view, edit and delete the task. As well as adding a sub task.
You also have the ability to add additional Tasks to your workflow.

Triggered Tasks will then show with a lightening bolt. You have the option to add Triggered Tasks once the workflow has been created or when creating one.

Once you have created your workflow, you can edit it in a variety of ways.
You can reposition your tasks within a workflow by dragging and dropping the relevant task. Simply click on the six dots on the task and drag it to where you want it to be!

You can change the name of your workflow at any time by selecting Actions and then Update.

You can clone your workflow by selection Actions and then Clone.

This creates a duplicate of your workflow that you can edit as you wish. All clones are named 'Copy of [Original Workflow Name]'.

You can delete a workflow at any time by selecting Actions and then Delete. Please note this cannot be undone.

To create a Workflow, go to Settings from the menu on the left.
From here, select Workflows.

Here you can see all existing Workflows. Select Add New to create a new Workflow.

Give the new Workflow a name
Save when ready.

Now you have your Workflow, you can add Tasks. Select Add New Task.

Now enter in the Title and description for the Task.
Then you can decide the priority of this Task
Next choose the status of this Task
After you can decide when the Task should be due.
You can choose whether or not the client should be able to see this Task.
Along with this you have the option to choose if you'd like it to Auto-assign to a clients advisor.
As well as Auto-assigning to a clients administrator.
Now decide who the Task should be assigned to. It can be automatically assigned to the client's advisor or administrator, or you can select a particular employee or group to assign it to.
Save it when ready.

Now your Task is created! Repeat this process to add additional Tasks until your Workflow is complete.
Here you can see the tasks that have been created. You can drag and drop these tasks to change the order by selecting the 6 dots on the right hand side.
Once you select the desired Task it will show on the right hand side of your page. Within this you'll be able to view, edit and delete the task. As well as adding a sub task.
You also have the ability to add additional Tasks to your workflow.

Triggered Tasks will then show with a lightening bolt. You have the option to add Triggered Tasks once the workflow has been created or when creating one.

Editing your Workflow
Once you have created your workflow, you can edit it in a variety of ways.
Repositioning your Tasks
You can reposition your tasks within a workflow by dragging and dropping the relevant task. Simply click on the six dots on the task and drag it to where you want it to be!

Changing the Name
You can change the name of your workflow at any time by selecting Actions and then Update.

Cloning your Workflow
You can clone your workflow by selection Actions and then Clone.

This creates a duplicate of your workflow that you can edit as you wish. All clones are named 'Copy of [Original Workflow Name]'.

Deleting your Workflow
You can delete a workflow at any time by selecting Actions and then Delete. Please note this cannot be undone.

Updated on: 18/01/2024
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