Articles on: Plans

Creating Plans

To add a new plan in Plannr, go to the plans page under Contacts.

Here you can see all existing plans. Select the add new button in the top right.

This brings up the following modal with three sections.

In the first section, select the client this plan should belong to and the type of plan. Once a plan type is selected, an additional field will pop-up asking for the sub-type.

These are compulsory fields (as indicated by the pink asterisk), but there is also the option to add the plan’s provider if there is one.

When you’re happy with this section, select next.

More information on Wrap Products is available here.

The second section covers the plan details. Again, the pink asterisks indicate that the field is mandatory. This is also where any custom fields you’ve added will appear.

Select next when ready to go to the final page.

Lastly we have the valuation section. Here, if applicable, you can add a valuation and include the date of this valuation.

When you’re happy with all the details you’ve inputted, select finish.

This will create the plan and take you to the new plan page.

You can edit the plan details at any time from this page by selecting the details tab.

Please note: When viewing plans on a Joint Client you will need to toggle the option to show individual plans on the joint client. This is also true in the reverse meaning you will have to toggle the option to see joint plans on the individual client.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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