Articles on: Plans

Managing Transactions in a Plan

Plannr can also hold transaction level data on your plans including creating or logging scheduled contributions and withdrawals. Let's go explore that section now.

First off, navigate to a plan that allows transactions such as an ISA or GIA.

When you view a plan with the transaction functionality you'll spot a transactions tab on the screen. Clicking on the Transactions tab will show you recent transactions and a list of any scheduled transactions too.

If you want to view any scheduled transactions you can click the Schedules tab on this page too:

To create a new transaction, just click the Add button in the top right and select Transaction. You'll be presented with the following options:

Firstly, if the transaction relates to a particular holding that's stored against the plan you can select the holding by clicking "yes" on the top question and then selecting a holding from the dropdown list that's shared with you.

You can select the transaction type from the common transaction types that exist in the transaction type field. We have the following:
Adviser Fee
Corporate Action
Provider Fee

You can then enter the amount and the transaction date and hit save to load in the record.

From the Add button at the top you can also set up regular / scheduled transactions too, such as a contribution.

Clicking that option from the menu will present you with the following options, that are similar to the options available when manually loading in a transaction as shown above:

If you selected a start date for the transaction schedule Plannr will give you the ability to "back-fill" the transaction records into the system too. If you entered a start date of two years ago and marked that the transaction repeats every week if you clicked "Yes" to the back-fill question it'll automatically create weekly transactions from the start date to the end date, or today if no end date is provided.

Hitting save will load that schedule into Plannr and if you haven't set an end date Plannr will automatically create any required future transaction records for you at the frequency that you defined.


Contribution- Money into a plan

Withdrawal- Money out of a plan

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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