Articles on: Plans

Plans - Cover

This article will look at Cover in Plans. More general information on Plans can be found here. The specific options available will vary from plan to plan depending on the subtype, but in this example we are looking at an Accident and Sickness Insurance policy.

Adding Cover

To add cover, go to the Cover tab under Details. Here you can see all existing cover for this plan.

Selecting Add opens up the following modal:

Select one of the cover types from the dropdown list available, and fill out the relevant details.

Once saved, it will appear under the Cover tab. You can add as many cover types as is required.

You will also be able to see the total benefit amount as well as the break down for each type of benefit on the Plan Dashboard.

Editing Cover

Once cover is added, you can easily update or delete it if needed. Hovering over the three dots brings up the pen icon (to edit) and the bin icon (to delete).

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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