Automation Blueprint Triggers and Conditions
Automations are a nifty way of speeding up processes within your business. They rely on Triggers to start the automations and they can have Conditions in order for the automation to run. More information on running automations is available here.
Automations can have three triggers:
Client Created: These automations will run when the client is first added to Plannr.
Client Updated: These automations will run when something within the client has changed.
Run at Specific Date: Selecting this trigger will make the following options appear. These automations will run a certain number of days before/after a client's event determined by the options below. For example, you could set the automation to run 2 days before the client's anniversary review date and have this repeat yearly. The 'event' the automation is run against is selected in the 'Which field should be checked against'.

Manually Triggered Automation: This type of automation has no conditions or triggers and is instead manually triggered whenever the adviser sees fit. To trigger this automation, go to actions and then trigger automation.

From here, simply select the desired automation and press trigger.

If one of the first two trigger options are selected, the following box will appear asking if you'd like to set any further Conditions. These are not necessary in order for the automation to run, but will mean that more specific automations can be made.

Selecting Add new condition brings up the following options:

The Field is the client data that is is being checked in order for the automation to run. This can be a variety of things, such as the client's first/last name and their prospect status (whether or not they are entered into the system as a prospect).
The Value is what you want the Field to be in order for the automation to run. You can select either True, False or Other and type in your own Value.
The Operator determines the relationship between the Field and the Value in order for the automation to run.
For example, if you wanted an automation to only run if the client is a prospect, you would make the field 'is prospect', the operator 'equals' and the value 'true'.
You can use multiple conditions in order to further narrow down when the automation should run. For example, if you wanted an automation to run on clients called Steve, you'd first run an automation to check the individual is a client not a prospect (field 'is prospect', operator 'equals', value 'false'), and then you'd make sure the client's first name is Steve (field 'first name', operator 'equals'. value 'steve').
Automations can have three triggers:
Client Created: These automations will run when the client is first added to Plannr.
Client Updated: These automations will run when something within the client has changed.
Run at Specific Date: Selecting this trigger will make the following options appear. These automations will run a certain number of days before/after a client's event determined by the options below. For example, you could set the automation to run 2 days before the client's anniversary review date and have this repeat yearly. The 'event' the automation is run against is selected in the 'Which field should be checked against'.

Manually Triggered Automation: This type of automation has no conditions or triggers and is instead manually triggered whenever the adviser sees fit. To trigger this automation, go to actions and then trigger automation.

From here, simply select the desired automation and press trigger.

If one of the first two trigger options are selected, the following box will appear asking if you'd like to set any further Conditions. These are not necessary in order for the automation to run, but will mean that more specific automations can be made.

Selecting Add new condition brings up the following options:

The Field is the client data that is is being checked in order for the automation to run. This can be a variety of things, such as the client's first/last name and their prospect status (whether or not they are entered into the system as a prospect).
The Value is what you want the Field to be in order for the automation to run. You can select either True, False or Other and type in your own Value.
The Operator determines the relationship between the Field and the Value in order for the automation to run.
For example, if you wanted an automation to only run if the client is a prospect, you would make the field 'is prospect', the operator 'equals' and the value 'true'.
You can use multiple conditions in order to further narrow down when the automation should run. For example, if you wanted an automation to run on clients called Steve, you'd first run an automation to check the individual is a client not a prospect (field 'is prospect', operator 'equals', value 'false'), and then you'd make sure the client's first name is Steve (field 'first name', operator 'equals'. value 'steve').
Updated on: 08/03/2024
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