Articles on: Business

Form Builder

Form builder allows you to make bespoke forms within Plannr, to send to clients/employees, embed on an external website or to use internally for client records. Further information on Sending Forms is available here.

Adding a New Form

Go to the Form Builder tab on the left hand side menu under the Business section

Select Add New.

The following modal appears

Give the form a title and description.

Decide on the visibility of the form.

Public forms can be viewed and answered by anyone, you can also embed them onto a website of your choice.
By Request forms can be sent to existing Plannr contacts, whether that is a client or an employee of your firm
Internal forms can be added to a client record, without notifying the client. Perfect for any internal forms that you may need to create, e.g. compliance forms

If the Public option is selected, you have the following options:
a. Specify allowed Hosts
b. Whether you want the form to create a client upon submission
c. If you want the form to create a client, whether they should be a Prospect or not

The URL used for the hosts field has to be specific for your site, but instead of using , it’s best to use a wildcard operator and use * This will ensure all sub domains including www are covered by the wildcard and your form will display. Just add an Asterisk and a dot in front of your website address when completing this form.

Once you’re happy with the new form details, hit save.

Customising your Form

Your form is then created! You now need to add sections and fields. Each section can have whichever fields you wish and can be useful for separating areas of your form.

Create a section.

Selecting this brings up a box to enter in the section name.

Once saved, you’ll have your section ready for fields.

Scroll down the options list or search for the field you want. When you find it, drag it into the desired section.

When each section and field is added, you’ll notice that some icons appear next to them.


a) Edit - Allows you to edit the title of the section

b) Delete - Allows you to delete the section


c) Linked Field - This means that this links to a field in Plannr. Hovering over this icon will make the name of the linked field appear.

d) Required Field - This allows you to select whether or not a field should require an answer in order for the form to be submitted. You can turn this on and off using the slider.

e) Delete - Allows you to delete the field.

f) Edit - Allows you to edit the text for that field. When you edit a field, remember to Save before adding/editing any further parts of the form.

If you’re making a client creation form you must include certain required fields, such as first name, last name and email.

You can also check what this would look like for the client by selecting the preview option at the top of the edit form page.

Once you’re happy with your form, select publish!

Once published, the sections and fields in the form cannot be edited.

Managing an Existing Form

Once a form is published, you can no longer edit the questions in the form. You can, however, see the submissions, a preview of the form and instructions to embed the form on an external website.

All forms are shown on the main form builder page.

Here you’ll see columns for important information about the form - the status, visibility, number of submissions, date created and last updated. There are also some symbols at the end of each form, too.

a. Duplicate Form - This button creates a duplicate of the form that can be edited.

b. Edit - On draft forms, the last button is the edit button that will take you to edit that form.

c. View Submissions - On live forms, the last button is the ‘view submissions’ button that will take you to the submissions page for that form.

Updated on: 25/07/2024

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