Creating Automations
In Plannr there is an inbuilt automation engine that can be set up to automate tasks that would otherwise take hours. This guide will detail how to set this up and what it looks like in action.
From any page in Plannr, select Automations from the left hand side menu under the Business tab.
Select Blueprints

From here all the current blueprints on the system can be viewed. Select Add New to create a new blueprint.

This brings up the following screen requiring information about the blueprint. Enter the desired name of the blueprint.
Select the Trigger for the blueprint from the dropdown menu. This can be:
Client Created
Client Updated
Run at a specific date
Manually triggered automation
If you select the manually triggered automation, you will not be able to select conditions.

Once you have selected the Trigger for the blueprint, Conditions can be added.
To add a condition, you need to select a field from the 50+ Plannr fields available (including name, prospect status, marital status and more).
After this, select the operator. This can be:
Finally, choose a value from either true, false or other, with a free text box to specify the value.
You can have multiple conditions if you wish.
For this example the blueprint will only apply to new prospective clients so the condition is that the field Is Prospect is equal to true. Further information on prospects and the different types of client can be found here.

Once all information is inputted, select Save to move on.

This brings up the following screen. On the right there is a list of Automation Blocks to choose from. These are:
Send SMS
Change Status
Create Login
Create Case
Send Form Request
Send Factfind Request
Create Document
Request Client Signature
Share Document
Run Workflow
Notify Account
Add a Tag to a Client
Email an Account
Each of these blocks can be dragged over to the right in order to add it to the automation.

Once all desired blocks are in place and you're ready to use the automation, the status changed to active. To do this, go to Actions.
From the dropdown menu select Edit blueprint.
You can also use the clone function here to create an exact copy of this automation if you wish.
Alternatively, if this particular blueprint was no longer required, it can be deleted from here, too.

This screen then pops up on the side. Sliding the Active bar to the right (so it turns green) activates the blueprint meaning that, once the conditions set out in steps 5 and 6 have been met, the blueprint will run automatically.
Once the blueprint is ready, hit Save. The automation is now active so, in this example, whenever a new prospective client is added the blueprint will be triggered.

Now the blueprint is active, the next time a prospective client is made the automation will be triggered. This can be shown when making a new client:
For this particular blueprint, the conditions for the automations to go ahead (as set out in steps 5 and 6) are that the client is new and they are marked as a prospect, as shown below. Further information on creating a client can be found here.

The status of the automation can be checked by going to the automation section from the left on any page in Plannr. Here the title of the blueprint is displayed and the completion status is shown along with the time taken to complete it (only 6 seconds!).

By going onto the client created, the result of the first block on the blueprint, add tag to client, can be seen.

From the Access tab we can see that a login to the client portal has been added from the second block of our automation.

By going onto the Work tab, the other elements of the automation blueprint that can be found.
Under Cases, we can see the case created from the third automation block.

Under Documents, we can see the document created from the fourth block of the automation.

In the client portal, there is a new Conversation created with the client and the welcome document has been shared.

The Send SMS automation block sends the client the message entered when making the blueprint. The sender name, in this case "Plannr Demo", is altered to the name of your business.

Setting up a Blueprint
From any page in Plannr, select Automations from the left hand side menu under the Business tab.
Select Blueprints

From here all the current blueprints on the system can be viewed. Select Add New to create a new blueprint.

This brings up the following screen requiring information about the blueprint. Enter the desired name of the blueprint.
Select the Trigger for the blueprint from the dropdown menu. This can be:
Client Created
Client Updated
Run at a specific date
Manually triggered automation
If you select the manually triggered automation, you will not be able to select conditions.

Once you have selected the Trigger for the blueprint, Conditions can be added.
To add a condition, you need to select a field from the 50+ Plannr fields available (including name, prospect status, marital status and more).
After this, select the operator. This can be:
Finally, choose a value from either true, false or other, with a free text box to specify the value.
You can have multiple conditions if you wish.
For this example the blueprint will only apply to new prospective clients so the condition is that the field Is Prospect is equal to true. Further information on prospects and the different types of client can be found here.

Once all information is inputted, select Save to move on.

This brings up the following screen. On the right there is a list of Automation Blocks to choose from. These are:
Send SMS
Change Status
Create Login
Create Case
Send Form Request
Send Factfind Request
Create Document
Request Client Signature
Share Document
Run Workflow
Notify Account
Add a Tag to a Client
Email an Account
Each of these blocks can be dragged over to the right in order to add it to the automation.

Once all desired blocks are in place and you're ready to use the automation, the status changed to active. To do this, go to Actions.
From the dropdown menu select Edit blueprint.
You can also use the clone function here to create an exact copy of this automation if you wish.
Alternatively, if this particular blueprint was no longer required, it can be deleted from here, too.

This screen then pops up on the side. Sliding the Active bar to the right (so it turns green) activates the blueprint meaning that, once the conditions set out in steps 5 and 6 have been met, the blueprint will run automatically.
Once the blueprint is ready, hit Save. The automation is now active so, in this example, whenever a new prospective client is added the blueprint will be triggered.

Automation in Action
Now the blueprint is active, the next time a prospective client is made the automation will be triggered. This can be shown when making a new client:
For this particular blueprint, the conditions for the automations to go ahead (as set out in steps 5 and 6) are that the client is new and they are marked as a prospect, as shown below. Further information on creating a client can be found here.

The status of the automation can be checked by going to the automation section from the left on any page in Plannr. Here the title of the blueprint is displayed and the completion status is shown along with the time taken to complete it (only 6 seconds!).

By going onto the client created, the result of the first block on the blueprint, add tag to client, can be seen.

From the Access tab we can see that a login to the client portal has been added from the second block of our automation.

By going onto the Work tab, the other elements of the automation blueprint that can be found.
Under Cases, we can see the case created from the third automation block.

Under Documents, we can see the document created from the fourth block of the automation.

In the client portal, there is a new Conversation created with the client and the welcome document has been shared.

The Send SMS automation block sends the client the message entered when making the blueprint. The sender name, in this case "Plannr Demo", is altered to the name of your business.

Updated on: 08/03/2024
Thank you!