Articles on: Business


In Plannr, you can easily import information from other sites.

Go to Imports under the Business tab from the menu on the left.

Select to the Add New button on the top right hand side.

Select the relevant option, in this example we will be importing clients.

Decide what importing method you wish to use:

Validate- used to confirm there are no errors in your CSV (we recommend you do this first before creating/updating)
Create- used to import new clients
Update- used to change information on clients already in the system

Choose your file from your device.

Select Proceed when ready.

You'll then be moved onto step 2 of the import: Mapping.

Here you need to match up all the fields in your CSV to those in Plannr. Plannr will try to do this automatically, but any that the system cannot match will either need to be matched manually or set to ignore. You can also choose to use the mapping from a previous import if you wish.

Once you're happy with your mapping, select save and progress.

If you proceed with unmapped fields they will be ignored by the importer

You'll then be taken to step 3: Starting the import.

Press Proceed

The import will then begin! It will go through the processing stage initially and, if there are any issues, the import will fail and you will get a report highlighting the reason it failed. If there are no failures, you'll be taken to the Results. Here, you'll be given a summary of the imports including any failures. If you want to remove the imported data, you can at any time by pressing the Delete button in the top right.

You have now successfully imported the data into Plannr!

Explaining the Fields

We have a lot of fields in Plannr and because of this it can get a little confusing which field means what. Below some of the trickier to understand field names are explained:

This is the unique user identifier.

This is the adviser that is assigned to the client.

This is the administrator that is assigned to the client.

Failed Imports

After completing an Import you can check on it by going to the Imports page. If there were any failures with your import, the import will have a red boarder around it and you'll be able to see the number of failures under the Total Failures column.

Clicking on this import brings up the following screen detailing why the import failed. Where you are also able to download the failed report.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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