Articles on: Business

Business Staff Member Import

In Plannr, you have the ability to import Business Staff Members. More information on Imports is available here.

Completing a Business Staff Member Import Import

Download the CSV Template

If you already have a CSV to import, you can skip this step

Go to Imports from the Business tab on the left hand side menu. From here, select Add New as if you were going to complete the import. You'll be taken to the Import Wizard, where you can select the type of importer you wish to run. Once the Business Staff Member Import importer is selected, you'll see a link appear below saying download sample import CSV. Click on this and the CSV template will be downloaded!

Populate the CSV

If you already have a CSV to import, you can skip this step

Once downloaded, input your data into the CSV.

Some of fields are explained below:

business_uuid refers to the uuid of the business the staff member works for.

client_uuid refers to the uuid of the staff members' client record. You only need to input the client_uuid if you are using the importer in update mode. In create mode the importer will be creating an individual contact record for the staff member for you.

UUIDs can be found by looking at the end of the url.

After the /, you'll see a string of letters and numbers. This is the universally unique identifier.

Alternatively, you could do a plan export to get your plan and sub account UUIDs, more information on Exports is available here.

Once you're happy with the information in the csv, save it.

Import the CSV

Go back to Imports from the Business tab and select Add New.

This brings you back to the Import Wizard. Here, you'll be taken through the import, step by step.

More detailed information on this can be found here.

First is the Setup. Here you must select the Business Staff Member Import importer from the dropdown, select the Create mode and upload the relevant file.

Proceed through the steps and, once it's complete, you'll see this screen, confirming that the import has succeeded.

You will then be able to go to the business client and see the staff members you have imported under the Plan Details tab.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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