Articles on: Business

Charges Import

In Plannr, you have the ability to import Charges, this is the Charge Schedule and not the actual expectations, expectations will then be created automatically based on the charge schedule. More information on Imports is available here.

Before carrying out any charges imports you must have completed the following within the Settings / Income Reconciliation area:
Adviser Splits / Firm Settings - Default adviser split and RMAR advice default.

Completing a Charges Import

Download the CSV Template

If you already have a CSV to import, you can skip this step

Go to Imports from the Business tab on the left hand side menu. From here, select Add New as if you were going to complete the import. You'll be taken to the Import Wizard, where you can select the type of importer you wish to run. Once the Charges importer is selected, you'll see a link appear below saying download sample import CSV. Click on this and the CSV template will be downloaded!

Populate the CSV

If you already have a CSV to import, you can skip this step

Once downloaded, input your data into the CSV.

The fields are explained below:

uuid refers to the uuid of the charge schedule and is only used when updating an existing charge

* plan_uuid refers to the uuid of the plan the charge schedule is against, if applicable.

* client_uuid refers to the uuid of the client the charge schedule is against.
Note - If a charge schedule is required against a client you must enter the client_uuid. If the charge is against a plan you must enter the plan_uuid and can leave the client_uuid blank.

* adviser_uuid this field is required and refers to the uuid of the adviser associated to the charge schedule is against.

* payment_origin this field is required and refers to 'who' is paying the charge. This can be:
Note - Charges directly against the client must have a client payment_origin

type refers to the charge type. This will get populated from the category so leave as blank:

* category this field is required and refers to the category of the charge. This can be:

* recurring this field is required and refers to whether the charge is recurring and must be populated with either yes or no

frequency refers to the frequency of the charge. This can be:
four weekly
one off

* start_date this field is required and refers to the start date for the charge schedule. This should be formatted as DD/MM/YYYY.
This will create any expectations from this date.

end_date refers to the end date for the charge schedule, if it has one. This should be formatted as DD/MM/YYYY.

* amount refers to the amount of the charge schedule.
If an amount is entered then the percentage should be blank.

* percentage refers to the percentage of the charge schedule.
If a percentage is entered then the amount should be blank.

percentage_frequency refers to the frequency of the percentage is calculated from. e.g. 0.75% annually to be paid based on the frequency let's say monthly so it would then correctly put the monthly % as 0.0625 or 1% annually would be 0.083.
This field is not required but if used will affect the % to be calculated and is also not visible in the user interface. This is being enhanced for manual input early in 2024.

* tax_exempt this field is required and refers whether the charge is exempt of tax / VAT or not and must be populated with either yes or no.

* exclude_from_rmar this field is required and refers whether the charge should be excluded from the RMAR or not and must be populated with either yes or no.

advice_type refers to the type of advice. If this column is left at blank then it will use the adviser's assigned advice type, else it will use the firm's default advice type. You can however overwrite this value explicitly per charge by giving one of the options:


* service_type this field is required and refers to the type of service. Recurring charges, or revenue types which are recurring only must have the ongoing service type. One off or non recurring charges can have either initial or one-off depending on your charge.


rmar_type this is calculated from the charge's revenue type (category) in the majority of cases, but if the revenue type is adjustment or unknown then you can explicitly set the rmar type to one of the following options.

The rmar_type is rejected if the charge category is any other category.

advice_areas these fields refer to the Advice Areas from an RMAR perspective and should be completed as appropriate with the amounts or the percentages.
This is not required for Plan related charges as the system will populate these automatically depending on the plan sub-type. They are required for client related charges.
The sum of these must equal the overall charge amount if given as a fixed amount or 100% if the charge is a percentage :









notes this field allows you to add in any relevant notes against the charge schedule.

UUIDs can be found by looking at the end of the url.

After the /, you'll see a string of letters and numbers. This is the universally unique identifier.

Once you're happy with the information in the csv, save it.

Import the CSV

Go back to Imports from the Business tab and select Add New.

This brings you back to the Import Wizard. Here, you'll be taken through the import, step by step.

More detailed information on this can be found here.

First is the Setup. Here you must select the Charges importer from the dropdown, select the Create mode and upload the relevant file.
We would always recommend doing a 'Validate' before creating.

Proceed through the steps and, once it's complete, you'll see this screen, confirming that the import has succeeded.

You will now be able to see all of the imported (together with any manually added charge schedules) in the charges area against the client.

Expectations will have been created automatically based on the charge schedule import

You are also able to update the following via the Charges Update options:
End Date

end_date cannot be before the start_date.
Cannot update the end_date of non recurring charges.
Cannot update a charge that has already finished, they should create a new charge instead.
Cannot update the end_date to be earlier than the last reconciled expectation of that charge.
Updating adviser_uuid will update the adviser on all unreconciled expectations.
Updating the end_date to be in the past (after last reconciled expectation) will delete any unreconciled expectations beyond this date.

Updated on: 11/10/2024

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