Articles on: Settings

Joint Factfinds

Factfinds can be sent to joint clients to collect both clients' information in one!

Further information on creating a factfind can be found here.

Sending a Joint Factfind

As with individual factfinds, sending a joint factfind is simple!

From inside your joint client:

Select add new.

Choose new factfind request.

This will bring up the following modal

Select the client you wish to send this request to. If you chose to send this request from within a client page, that client will be autofilled here.

Type a short message inviting the client to check their plannr portal.

Select which factfind schema you want to send.

Send the request when ready!

Joint Client View

Once the factfind request is sent, the request and message appear in the client’s Plannr portal

Clicking view takes the client to the factfind. Here they can fill in their details and switch between the two individuals using the tabs at the top.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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