Articles on: Getting Started


Notifications in Plannr can be found from the bell icon at the top of any page in Plannr.

The number in pink next to it indicates the number of unread notifications.

Clicking on this bell opens up the following modal.

Any new notifications, such as the first one in the list here, are shown with a pink border on the left hand side and the date and time of the notification in bold. If you wish to view only the unread notifications, you can toggle the button in the top right.

Each notification has three buttons:

The ‘view’ button takes you to see the notification.

The ‘eye’ icon lets you mark a notification as read or unread.

The ‘bin’ icon allows you to delete the notification.

Email Digest

Every 15 minutes you will receive a digest email showing your notifications, if you have any.

It will appear as shown below, and it includes a link to login to your Plannr.

Notification Triggers

Below is a list of the events that trigger a notification and who within the firm gets notified:

CLIENT_CREATED - All employees that belong to the same groups that the client was added to.
NEW_MESSAGE - All people in the conversation (other than the person who sent the message) that have not muted the conversation
NOTE_MENTION - The account that was mentioned.
MESSAGE_MENTION - The account that was mentioned.
NEW_FACT_FIND_REQUEST - The client that has been sent the fact fact request.
NEW_FORM_SUBMISSION_REQUEST - The client that has been sent the form.
FORM_SUBMISSION_REQUEST_COMPLETE - The employee that launched the form request.
TASK_ASSIGNED - All people who have been assigned the task.
SIGNATURE_FAILED - Employee who launched the document signing process.
SIGNATURE_COMPLETE - Employee who launched the document signing process.
DOCUMENT_GENERATED - Employee that built the document.
NEW_CLIENT_DOCUMENT - Notify employees who have subscribed to a client when a client uploads a new file to their document area.
NEW_ADVISER_DOCUMENT - Notify client when an employee uploads a file to their document area.
NEW_BUILDER_DOCUMENT - Notify employees who have subscribed to a client AND the client when a document has been automatically uploaded to the client's document area. Used for document signatures and document generation.

Updated on: 19/02/2025

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