Articles on: Settings


Tags are a useful way of quickly categorising clients.

Managing Tags

To get to the Tags page, go to Settings and then Tags.

Here you can see all existing tags. You can edit or delete a tag by going to that tag and selecting either the pen or bin icon respectively.

This can only be done by Owners and Admin within your firm. Further information on employee roles is available here.

Creating a New Tag

You can add a new tag by selecting the Add New button at the top.

This brings up the following modal in which you can give the tag a name and select the colour.

This can only be done by Owners and Admin within your firm. Further information on employee roles is available here.

Assigning a Tag

Tags can be assigned to clients, cases or plans.

To do this, go to the client/plan/case you want a tag on, for this example I’ll use a client, and select the + in the top right under the client’s name. This brings up a box in which you can search for the desired tag.

As you start typing, matching tags will appear below the search box.

When you see the one you need, simply click on it and it’ll be added to that client. It will then appear below the client’s name and can be removed at any time by pressing the x next to the tag name.

You can also update client tags in bulk using the Client. If you are adding multiple tags to the same client when you're inputting the tags into the spreadsheet, you need to separate them with a comma but no space.

Updated on: 04/07/2024

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