Articles on: Getting Started

Filtering Contacts

When searching on the Contacts page, there are a variety of filters you can use to narrow down your results.

Selecting More Filters gives the following advanced options for filtering:

The first four fields are visible with or without the More Filters option selected.

The first option lets you sort by account type. This can be either Client, Employee or Introducer.

This second option allows you to filter by name.

Here you can select if you wish to view only prospects, all clients, or only clients who are not prospects.

You can toggle to only show clients with a Plannr login here.

Here you can filter for clients from specific Groups, more information on groups and how to set them up can be found here.

Here you can sort clients by the Tags allocated to their account. Further information on this can be found here.

This option allows you to filter clients via email.

This option lets you filter by Client Status. Further information on this can be found here.

Here you can filter for the contact record creation date using the date range selectors.

Here you can alter the order in which the clients appear. There are several options for this sort by field:

Created at
Updated at
First name
Last name
Next review date
Previous review date
Anniversary date

Once these filters have been applied, you will see you have further options at the top.

The options in a will allow you to change whether the clients are ascending or descending and whether they’re shown as a list or as a grid.

As Plannr remembers any filters you’ve used when you revisit the page, the undo arrow (b) is a handy tool that allows you to undo those filters and restore to default settings.

Updated on: 31/07/2024

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